Welcome to 360 World Changers!
We are changing the way people view their faith through PRACTICAL THEOLOGY.
Our mission is simple.
We want everyone to know and understand the saving grace of Jesus — But it doesn't stop there. God is inviting all of us to lean into a deep relationship and a life of rich purpose.
This is where most of us tend to miss out. We get overwhelmed by distractions, doubts, sin, hard times, and apathy. We long to know God and his purpose for our life, but it all feels distant.
360's training changes the way you view your faith.
We invite Christians to discover what it means to know God and hunger for his Word.
A fulfilling, purposeful life of knowing the Father is within everyone's grasp.
We invite Christians to discover what it means to know God and hunger for his Word.
A fulfilling, purposeful life of knowing the Father is within everyone's grasp.
We aren't meant to just take in and never invest in others. Faith is meant to be shared. Helping others know God is how we experience ultimate satisfaction and joy. 360 training ignites a passion to join in God's mission of redeeming all people.